Enzymatic Applications

Application Product Product Description

Enzymatic applications:
DNA/RNA restriction enzyme cleavage

microplate for enzymatic applications


5 microplate thermal block

 tw-12p thermal towers


TW-12P Thermal Towers

flat bottom plates for enzymatic applications 

00-44 Flat Bottom Plates

96 well flat bottom microplate thermal insert

 enzyme reseacrh products-  100ml bottles

2-11NV-100mL Bottles

Reagent bottles, 100 mL twin Thermal Block

thermal plate stacker


MéCour Thermal Plate Stacker PN STKR

thermal plate stacker 


MéCour Thermal Plate Stacker PN STKR

stacker and cover 

Stacker & Protective Cover

condensation controlled stacker

Condensation Controlled Stacker & POD

twister thermal plate

MéCour – Twister II Thermal Plate Stacker

thermal mapm plate heat map 

Thermal Map of MéCour Plate Stacker
Endotoxin Testing & ELISA

 tube units for ezymatic applications


24-1.5mL Eppendorf Tube thermal insert

Digestion procedures

enzymatic application products

60-96-1 DRAM

Tube Rack 6 x 16 layout for 96 - 1 Dram vials
Kinetic // Stability  &  Denaturation studies

enzyme research products by mecour


MULTI Tube Rack holding 4-50mL & 3 - 15mL tubes

 shaker for enzymatic applications

80-04 & Shaker

4 plate thermal block and shaker system
Controlled freeze/thaw

 thermal control for enzymatic applications

70-HTL Thermal Hotel

Thermal Hotel, 6 plate unit for HPLC applications & storage
Seed Culture Preparation

 thermal insert for enzyme research


Tube Rack for CALIPER & 4 separate 28 - 2mL tube racks
In-Vitro Cytotoxicity

 tubes for enzymatic research


Tubes, 50mL x 4 Thermal Block