99-401 CBLS
Single plate thermal blocks that comply with SBS and plate standards. Fits any automation plate nest. Landscape or "long side" fluid fittings as displayed above.
99-401 CBLS & Plate
Above pictured with 96 well plate. Thermal nest accommodates all plate variations (384 well, PCR, V bottom, round bottom, reservoirs, culture plates, etc.).
99-401 CB
Single plate thermal blocks that comply with SBS and plate standards. Fits any automation plate nest. Quick disconnect fluid fittings located in landscape, portrait or base locations.
00-384 PCR
MeCour can manufacture a thermal insert to fit any 384 well PCR plate. These include conical and/or round bottom plate designs.
All MeCour thermal blocks or plates offer flexibility to interchange any SBS compliant plate or as pictured above tube insert.